Elemental "Powers"

I plan on doing a huge article on the elements as soooooon as I get this fly ass book called "Mastering 5-Elements" by Tanya Storch. I've heard a fair amount about the elements and how each one is connected with a different ability. This is a short break down of each one:


Telepathy, consciousness (super-awareness of what's going on), mental clarity. 

The fire sign is associated with Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, all signs of leaders, go-getters, people who take the active role more often that receive a passive role. Hence, the element of fire imbues its holders with mental capabilities that soar over the rest i.e. telepathy, enhanced focus, etc. It is also the most masculine element of the four.

(Would you want a leader who wasn't clear-headed or, at the very least, influential?) 

The communicative powers of the element of fire include the ability to bolster others minds, transferring consciousness (as in "possession"), immunity to fire and diseases, and, mostly importantly, a strong sense of love. 



Water is related to the subconscious, the unknown known that's always accessible, but you just have to dive and search within. Intuition is defined as the "direct perception of truth, fact, etc., independent of any reasoning process; immediate apprehension." So if you are a Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, you've probably noticed that it's very hard for people to bullshit you or try to to sell you something; you don't just walk right into something blindly without calculating in your head about every little thing your mind picks up. Immediately you can  tell when a trap is imminent. It is the most feminine element of the four.

(As the most feminine element, remember how your mother was easily able to detect that something was wrong in a given situation, even when it wasn't verbally expressed?)

The communicative powers of Water include the ability to balance out the other elements, to create illusions, and to heal.



Air is connected to clairvoyance, the ability to view reality from any angle. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are of this element. Those in touch with the air element will be able to alter themselves easily to confront the issues they deal with in the world. It is the second most masculine element of the four.

(Have you ever met someone who had the foresight to prevent something terrible from happening?)
The communicative powers of Air are the ability to remote view, alchemy (the science of the soul), and shift frequency of their consciousness. These all relate to self-alchemy, which is someone's capacity to change their ways and view the world differently. 

An example of self-alchemy would be Malcolm X, who's life views changed drastically at different stages of his life. If you read his autobiography, you'll realize at certain points of his life, he couldn't think or act a certain way anymore, simply because it didn't fit in with his goals at the given moment. That ability to drop habits and vocabulary at the drop of a hat is very difficult for some.



Finally, the last element: Earth. Associated with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, the Earth element is the most tactile of the four. It grants the ability of psychometry - the ability to pick up an object and instantly know everything about that object. (If you've seen the 1993 movie Meteor Man with Robert Townsend, you may remember one of the many abilities he gained was the ability to pick up magazines and instantly know everything inside.) It is the second most feminine element of the four.

(Have you ever gone shopping and just felt a certain item was made just for you?)

The communicative powers it grants include tapping into all of the other elements, talking to molecules, walking though rocks and woods, and delving deeper into the bodily senses. 

Well there you have it. This is a small introduction of the elements, and as I said I plan to delve much deeper into this stuff because I'm very much interested. Stay tuned and learn more with me as I go along.

Anyways I'm tired of typing so Hotep to you all, and may you walk in the darkness, which is the light.


Entertainment or Mythology?

You can't watch a movie today and believe that you are only being entertained. Niggas prolly still read the parable of the Prodigal Son and actually believe that it's based on a wasteful son returning to his father after hitting rock bottom?

Although I can't really speak for movies coming out now (I refuse to watch them because they are so infested with occult symbolism I'm not sure if I'll walk out the same), I can speak for movies that have come out early 2000 and prior. These were movies where people wrote messages to the public, guised in a zombie invasion or a hero who realizes his is The One, to warn those who were aware as to what is going on. Many of them have to douse the story in fantasy to get the message across, while other just flat out speak directly to you through the dialogue within the movie. 

You aren't supposed to to go home with the jitters or thinking about how hot such a character looked. These are warning signs alerting you to truths are laden throughout this holographic reality. If you watch The Matrix and only perceived the few seconds Neo evaded a few bullets in slow motion instead of the concept of a holographic reality where "machines" (or the emotional equivalent of) are carving bullshit into our DNA, into our consciousness, harnessing our energy for their own purposes, you've missed the entire purpose of the two-hour lecture designed to get you thinking outside of the social box you've been placed in since birth. 

The problem with watching a movie and thinking everything is all sugar and tea is you go home having a positive/negative feeling about the story you just imagined, thinking that was the purpose of the movie. Your subconscious is picking up all these symbols, all these ideas, conversations, sounds embedded in the movie, but your attribution of positive/negative to the story carry over to the subconscious. 

In order to start innerstanding the messages sent to you through movies, you have to stop being engrossed in the characters of the story. Realize that the names, locations, events, have all been meditated upon and chosen for a specific reason. No author ever writes a story or play without thinking about a specific message they wish to get across within their story. If you've ever seen a play or skit that was poorly written, yet had a meaning to it, you could tell right away what was going to happen or what the moral of the story was. That's because you could step outside the story for a minute, look forward to the ending using critical thinking, piecing together bits of the story you've seen thus far plus what you know of the world and how things work, predicting what will happen next. 

The same goes for movies. As I said above, I'm not quite sure of these recent movies, because in today's entertainment world, shit just seems to be going downhill. Although there prolly is someone who's cooking up a warning sign, I doubt that many of the movies we see now are actually helping us any more than they are confirming to those in occult societies what they already know: the sheeple are almost ready for harvest. 

Tips for Decoding Movies

There honestly is no easy way to begin decoding movies. You first need to know what you are decoding, and that can either take a few Google searches or a few months reading into occult sciences and symbols. Your choice. But either way you do need to know what ideas, names, insignia, whatever relates to these ideas in the occult sciences in order to point them out. 

Remove yourself from the story. The action sequences may be fascinating to watch thanks to CGI and shit, but don't let that take you away from the point. Where on their bodies are these people being hurt? Who wins? What weapon are they using? Even these few minutes are important to the symbological interpretation. 

Last one for this article is to not be absorbed into decoding everything! Don't just go around watching every single movie just to interpret a few lines from an over-paid, untalented asshole on the screen. Live your life! I'm just keeping you aware of the fact that movies aren't solely for entertainment so you can learn from what movies you do watch.


The next time a friend suggests going to see an alleged "hit blockbuster movie" (Dark Knight for example) think twice about it. Is it worth the bloated price of a move ticket to bombard your senses and subconscious with bullshit? Probably not.
