What Makes Me Sad

(An article written a while ago.  Listen to my own suffering in this.)

Look around! and see people who do not realize the potential they contain. Everyone has the ability to do anything they want through any means necessary.

But instead of seeking the paths of success, we seek the excuses and the bars to entry "forced" upon us by governments, parents, societal systems, whatever scapegoat appeases our minds.

The "unfortunate" can find a hundred and one reasons to not seek the education and the alternatives they can research and tap into right now to accomplish their deepest desires and their most yearned-for dreams.

Our parents do not allow us to grow and instead coerce us to follow in their footsteps to mediocrity and quaint glories.

We do not admire our own talents and instead vie vehemently for goals set by bright lights and screens; we seek to follow people whose nature we do not know, people who express to the masses eager to listen values basic and lacking in empathy.

The sheep will take heed and follow; the willful will struggle through the torrent of adversity.

Within us all is unlimited power and potential, timeless talent, unbelievable strength and reserve. That is what makes us all human: our innumerable possibilities of actions and outcomes.

To ignore this is to ignore your unique position among the cosmos; to be lead astray from your mountain overflowing with copper, silver and gold and told to work and be prey so you can enjoy an eternity of worshiping the one and only god when you die.

That we have come so far from our divinity and have instead resorted to murdering each other over ideologies and rubber soles; that we have forgotten where we go when we die, what composes our experience and consciousness; that humanity has lost its way and has given up the search within...

That makes me sad.

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